Sing WIth Us
Membership in the Heart Of Texas Chorus requires that an applicant successfully complete a two-phased audition and commit to the objectives of the Chapter and its requirements for membership. Learning materials are provided to assist applicants in learning the audition music for their voice part. Additional details of the membership process are provided when a visitor indicates an interest in becoming a member. It is not unusual to take several weeks to complete the process. Each applicant will be assigned to an experienced member who will guide him through the membership process and assist as required.
Come visit the Heart Of Texas Chorus and see how much fun you can have by being a part of this great singing organization. Our members travel from north of Austin and south of San Antonio and from most communities in between to attend our weekly rehearsals and to enjoy the pleasure of singing close harmony music with others dedicated to the satisfaction of singing beautiful harmony. Get driving directions by clicking on the map one the lower right corner of this page. For further information call send an email to [email protected]. Include your telephone number and a member of the chorus will contact you.